Sama Bug Bounty Program!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the Sama Bug Bounty Program!


To rely on the collective intelligence of the Sama Community and make Sama ODR platform fool-proof. The participant needs to discover errors in the following documents-

  1. Sama Rules and Procedures, (available here)
  2. Sama Privacy Policy, (available here)
  3. Sama Templates (Invitation to Conciliation Notice, Pre-arbitration Notice, Different Stages, Sample Arbitration Award, etc)- (available in your case manager/neutral dashboard)

How it Works?

  1. Go through the above-mentioned documents.

  2. Spot an error.

  3. In your comment to this post;
    a) State the number of your error (is this the first error you are pointing or second, etc)
    b) location of the error,
    c) describe the error in detail,
    d) Suggest a correction/solution

Note: All the 3 steps are mandatory. The genuineness of the error will be decided by the Sama Administration.

(Below is a sample comment for your reference)

a) E1
b) Location- Rule 5.3 of Rules and Procedures and Notice 1A
c) Description- The rule states that time for extension cannot be more than twice the the original time given. Notice 1A provides 10 days whereas original time given in notice 1 is 3 days, henceforth, more than double of original notice.
d) Correction- Time given in notice 1A should be 6 days or lesser.


Apart from contributing in making the Sama procedures safe for the general public of India; post the 30th of each month, the one who spotted the maximum errors (and gave maximum solutions) will get a cash prize of Rs 5,000.

Let the hunt begin!

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(Same error for reference)

a) E1
b) Location- Rule 5.3 of Rules and Procedures and Notice 1A
c) Description- The rule states that time for extension cannot be more than twice the the original time given. Notice 1A provides 10 days whereas original time given in notice 1 is 3 days, henceforth, more than double of original notice.
d) Correction- Time given in notice 1A should be 6 days or lesser.